For those that are down to our boathouse regularly, you will have noticed a few things going on. For those that aren’t down so regularly you may expect to see quite a change next time you visit. The club development plan has been forging ahead with the learn to row sessions, expanding our membership base, and now the next important phase of this plan is really getting underway with the new training/welfare cabins, changing cabins and additional boat storage area arriving soon: a veritable rowing village!

To accommodate all of this activity, in the coming weeks the existing containers are going to be moving around and the ground is going to be prepared. Work on the new training and welfare units should begin in mid-October and be completed by mid-November. The changing facilities and boat storage area should follow swiftly thereafter. Any help members can offer will be gratefully received, and a huge thanks goes to those that have taken this project so far and continue to push it forward.